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Customer satisfaction - a top priority!

Companies from a broad range of industries trust in us and our products.


Our customers are the best judge of how good we and our products really are. Therefore,

we conduct customer satisfaction surveys at regular intervals. Important information,

ideas, wishes and suggestions, but also constructive criticism help us to respond even

better to the needs and expectations of our customers.


The many positive evaluations and feedbacks that reached us as a result of our recently conducted customer survey once again confirm our service and product quality. Despite the difficult economic situation of the last 3 years, our customers have stuck by us and

remain loyal.


For this, the entire weber team

would like to thank you - dear customers - very much!


We look forward to a continued good cooperation!

Weitere Informationen


Mi, 16. November 2022

Weitere Meldungen

American Management visits Germany

Today we inform you that our long-time American Managing Director John Pitcher has taken a ...

Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

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